Infantry Training, Part VIII. – Fieldcraft, Battle Drill, Section and Platoon Tactics

Publication date 1944-03-06 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 InternationalCreative Commons License Topics British Army, infantry, world war two, second world war, bren, rifle, lee enfield, soldier, training, fieldcraft, tactics, platoon, section, normandy Collection manuals_various; manuals; additional_collections Language English Item Size 205.4M

This comprehensive manual covers all aspects of the infantry section and platoon of the infantry battalion in the latter part of the Second World War, as well as their tactics and employment from the perspective of the men within them. It also cover the individual skills and knowledge of the infantryman, such as camouflage and concealment and how to dig a slit trench. The formations for patrols and set-piece attacks by the platoon and section are explained and there are diagrams throughout.

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