The One Thing You Must Get Before Installing a Pool

Before spending considerable money installing a swimming pool you need to buy a survey to locate property lines, easements, and set backs. At Sanctuary Pools, we require you to provide us with a recent boundary survey. A boundary survey for a typical neighborhood lot will cost between $500 – $750.

We get a fair number of grumbles about this, but we do it because we have your very best interest at heart. Your pool will be a significant investment, and a recent boundary survey will help you avoid ugly surprises.

Here is how a boundary survey can protect you from loss:

  1. A boundary survey shows the exact location of your property lines so you can plan accurate pool and fence placement without encroaching on your neighbor’s property. Encroaching on your neighbor means they can legally remove the portion of your pool or fence on their property.
  2. A boundary survey will show you the exact location of easements. Utility easements allow utility companies access to repair lines or equipment. Should your pool or fence be located in a utility easement and get damaged during a repair, they are under no obligation to reimburse you. Also, if your pool project falls into an easement, your property will be much harder to sell.
  3. A boundary survey will show you the location of building setback lines. You cannot make improvements, such as a swimming pool, over the required setbacks.

Note: there are two types of surveys: a boundary survey and a plot plan. A boundary survey has the detail and precision required for a significant investment like a pool.

Not knowing the precise location of property lines, utility easements, and building setbacks is bad business as far we are concerned. Purchasing a boundary survey will ensure your project gets off on the right foot!

This blog post is all about why you need a survey for a swimming pool installation.

Ready to take the plunge and get a pool of your own? Sanctuary Pools is here to help. We specialize in fiberglass swimming pools, which are known for their durability and ease of maintenance. So don’t wait – let us turn your backyard into a paradise today! Contact us to get started.